Monday, May 21, 2007

Hire Programmer

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Hire a programmer in India

Do you want to hire a offshore programmer for a specific period of time? We have the solution for you. has a pool of talented senior programmers in our India office. You can view the
profile of available programmers and hire the programmers matching your requirements.
Contact us for more information and hire programmers from DotNetSpider team.

You may hire one or more senior developers and they will directly report to
you during the period of conract, unless you want them to report to a local project manager in our office.

If you are looking for outsourcing the entire project management and execution, we can
undertake complete responsibility too. Instead of you selecting the programmers and managing them,
we will take over the project execution. We will be responsible for identifying the most suitable resources
for the specific project. You can leave all of the development job to us including team management, design, development, testing
and maintenance, un less you wish to be part of any of these stages. Please read more about our offshore
development services in India

Offshore programmer rates

Our programmer rates vary between $12~$20 depending on the experience level and skill set of the
hired engineer. Rate per hour is same whether you hire and remotely manage the
programmers or outsource the project to us.

Please read more about programmer rates

Hire a programmer in China or Russia

We do not have an office in China or Russia. However, we are making some arrangements for senior
freeleance programmers and small companies from China, Russia, India or other countries to
register here and get projects from potential customers worldwide. This feature will be available
within 3 months.

Click here to hire a programmer.

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